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  • Сидельников Н.И.1
  • Ковалев Н.И.2
  • Хазиева Ф. М.3
стр. 62-66
1 Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт лекарственных и ароматических растений, 2 Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт лекарственных и ароматических растений, 3 Всероссийский институт лекарственных и ароматических растений
Ключевые слова:
  • лекарственные растения
  • зюзник европейский
  • лопух большой
  • серпуха венценосная
  • регуляторы роста
  • органоминеральные удобрения
  • микроудобрения
  • адаптация
  • погодные условия
  • medicinal plants
  • Lycopus europaeus L
  • Arctium lappa L
  • Serratula coronate L
  • growth regulators
  • organomineral fertilizers. microfertilizers
  • adaptation
  • weather conditions
With the introduction of new species of medicinal plants there is a change in their usual ecological condition. Unstable weather conditions and phytopathogens can have a negative influence on crop yields. In this article discussed some aspects exogeny management ofadaptation processes for new introduced medicinal plants: Lycopus europaeus L., Arctium lappa L., Serratula coronate L. Application of plant growth regulator Dvau for rooting cuttings and binary mixtures of growth regulator Zircon and organomineral (AbsoluteEcofus) or silicon fertilizers (Siliplant) in fields on gypsywort promotes resistance to adverse weather conditions and reduced crop losses in low moisture and high temperatures of 1620%, with high humidity and low temperature - 23-25%. On greater burdock it is shown that insufficient water supply has a negative impact on growth processes: the area ofthe assimilating surface of plants decreases by 17%, the mass of roots - by 13%. Double treatment of plants with silicon-containing microfertilizer Siliplant eliminates the negative impact of drought and increases the yield of roots (medicinal raw materials) by 17-18%. Abiotic and biotic stresses can have a negative impact on the yield and quality of medicinal raw materials of Serratula coronata. Application of microfertilizer Ferovit in dry weather conditions increases the area of the assimilating surface by 28-30%, the yield of raw materials (grass) by 20-25%. One ofthe biotic stress on Serratulais is the defeat of plants by powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum D.C.). Complex application ofthe growth regulator Zircon and microfertilizer Ferovit provided a more rapid passing of phenological stages, which allowed to begin the harvest before plants defeat by powdery mildew and to exclude from the agrotechnology the use offungicides.

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