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Статья «Н.И. Вавилов и Т.А. Лысенков пространстве историко-научных дискуссии , "Природа"»

  • КОЛЧИНСКИЙ Эдуард Израилевич1
стр. 3-14
  • В выпуске: №1, 2018
  • В журнале: Природа
  • Издательство: ФГУП «Издательство «Наука»
  • Рубрика ГРНТИ: Научно-популярные
  • Год выхода: 2018
  • SDI: 007.001.0032-874X.2018.000.001.2
Ключевые слова:
  • Н.И.Вавилов
  • Т.Д.Лысенко
  • лысенкоизм
  • лысенковщина
  • неолысенковщина
  • исторический нарратив
  • общество
  • партийно-государственный аппарат
  • антисциентизм
  • N.I.Vavilov
  • T.D.Lysenko
  • Lysenkoism
  • Lysenkovshchina
  • Neolysenkovshchina
  • historical narrative
  • society
  • party-state administration
  • anti-scientific sentiments
The modern literature about Nikolai I.Vavilov and Trofim D.Lysenko is analyzed, placing recent attempts to blame Vavilov and to exonerate Lysenko within their social, political and intellectual contexts. We examine the evolution of a historical narrative about Vavilov's activities and his confrontation with Lysenko as well as the main arguments advanced by Lysenko's apologists. The paper argues that a distinction between Lysenkoism, as a set of concepts and theories, and Lysenkovshchina, as the social practice of trying to prevail over other competing research groups by appealing to the party-state administration. The rise of anti-scientific sentiments among the ruling elites and the general public, along with a growing influence of religious fundamentalism, provide the context for the revival of Lysenkoism. To some extent, the revival of Lysenkoism can also be explained by certain academic traditions of Russian biologists. Neolysenkovshchina is a purely social and economic and ideological and political phenomenon, but not a scientific one. Authors who write pro-Lysenkoist books are guided by various motives, but they all fail to grasp the essence of the historical and scientific events associated with «the Lysenko and Vavilov affair».

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