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Статья «Утоптанная тропа сквозь темный лес (Бессознательное в этнической картине мира), "Общественные науки и современность"»

  • Лурье Светлана Владимировна1
стр. 136-143
1 Социологический институт РАН
  • SDI: 007.001.0869-0499.2016.
  • ISSN: 0869-0499
Ключевые слова:
  • ethnic picture of the world
  • culture protective and adaptive mechanisms
  • activity- adaptive model of culture
  • distribution model of culture
  • value orientations. REFERENCES
The article is devoted to the culturaly determined human vision of the world. The author answers to the question, how culture (in the anthropological sense of the word) determine the perception of the reality of its bearers. It is assumed that the human psyche is caused by ethnic culture unconscious blocks (cultural constants), by which people selectively and to some extent distorted receives information from the outside world: the danger of ethnic culture is localized, methods of protection against it are defined, the mode of action at which good wins evil, is clear. Unconscious images inherent in the cultural constants are transferred to real objects. So appears an ethnic picture of the world, which the author describes as a dynamic system.

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